
How To Get My Dog To Sleep Through The Night

So, you adopted a puppy. Congratulations! You're in for a whirlwind few months of joy, excitement and love.

Unfortunately, like any new parent, you're also in for some challenging, wakeful nights. Which may cause you to wonder, how do you get a puppy to sleep through the night?


From the day your new pup comes home—whether she's eight weeks or four months old—it's up to you to set her up for successful nights. Mistakes made in the beginning can haunt you for weeks to come. Luckily, our training tips can help keep you on the right path!

Get them plenty of exercise

Your puppy is much more likely to sleep through the night if they've been tired out during the day. Even if your puppy is not yet allowed on walks because he hasn't been fully vaccinated, it's super important to provide him both mental and physical stimulation inside the home and, if you're lucky enough to have one, in an enclosed yard.

Play with toys, chase each other around and work on training games. Outside, you can begin getting your puppy comfortable with a leash and walk them in laps around the property. Feed your dog from puzzle toys (instead of from a dog bowl) to engage their brains while they eat.

Respect their potty needs

Take your puppy out for a potty break right before bedtime. Due to their development, puppies are typically unable to hold their urine for more than a few hours at a time. If they have the opportunity to do their business right before bedtime, you'll have more time to rest before they need to potty again.

Establish a bedtime routine

Make bedtime feel like bedtime. When bedtime rolls around, make your home feel comfy-cozy. Dim the lights, put on some soft classical music, and give your puppy a soft nest to snuggle up in. Try including an item of your clothing in their bedding so your pup feels close to you.

Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP) collars and diffusers release a calming pheromone (a synthetic version of the hormone released by a nursing mother dog) that can also help to soothe your puppy. Toys that emit a "heartbeat" can also help get your puppy to sleep.

Create a soothing sleep environment

Decide where your puppy will sleep, and stick to it! Choose your puppy's overnight bed in advance. That way when they start whining and giving you the sad eyes, you'll be less tempted to allow your pup to sleep with you.

If you let your puppy sleep with you in the beginning, you're more likely to have a dog that sleeps with you all their life. There's nothing wrong with sleeping with your dog, as long as you're the one making the choice!

With puppies, less is more with sleep environments

A crate or confinement space is usually better in the beginning. Until your puppy has grown enough to be able to hold their bladder through the night, allowing them to sleep in your bed is likely to end in soggy sheets. If you don't want to wake up in a wet spot, have your puppy spend the night in a crate or confinement space with a soft nest of bedding.

If you're using a confinement space, you can put a potty pad next to puppy's bed so they can potty in the middle of the night without waking you.

Crates = mid-night potty breaks

If your puppy sleeps in a crate, you'll probably have to do a middle-of-the-night potty break. Puppies simply cannot hold their urine for more than a few hours—physically, their bodies aren't made for it. They also don't like to be forced to sit or sleep in their own mess. These two things together mean that, if you're crating your puppy overnight, you'll probably have to get up in the middle of the night to let them out.

Unless you have a tiny breed, a good rule of thumb is that a pup can hold their bladder for about as many hours as they are months old (i.e., a three-month-old pup can hold it about three hours, a four-month-old about four hours).

Just like small children, they may be able to hold it a little longer overnight if they're exhausted, but they're still unlikely to make it all the way until morning.

If you take your pup for a potty break, stay calm and quiet and don't engage in any play or excessive snuggles.

Play it cool when getting your puppy to sleep through the night

Don't acknowledge whining and barking. One of the fastest things a puppy can learn is that whining and barking bring you running. If they know that all they have to do is make some noise to get your attention, you're never going to get a good night's rest.

The first few days your pup is home, try earplugs, white noise and other noise-canceling options to block out whining and barking. In some cases, confining your dog in your bedroom may help to quiet your dog because they know that you are there.

Take into account what sleeping through the night means

"Sleeping through the night" may mean waking up at 6 a.m. Just like any new baby, when puppy is small and learning how to sleep through the night, she's likely to be rejuvenated and full of energy first thing in the morning. Waking up early to take puppy for a potty break and give her some attention is a normal part of pet parenthood.

If you'd like to extend your sleep, try confining puppy in a larger space instead of a crate so she can potty without waking you. If that doesn't work, see if your puppy is willing to let you sleep a little longer after a potty break if she gets to join the snuggles.

How To Get My Dog To Sleep Through The Night


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