
How To Get Baby To Kick

How to Make Baby Move in the Womb - Easy Tricks

  • When Will You Feel Your Baby's First Movement?
  • Tips to Make Your Baby Move in the Uterus
  • How Often Should the Foetus Move?
  • What If the Baby Is Not Moving Much in Your Belly?

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As a pregnant woman, you can't wait for that moment when your baby will move around in your womb. It's the only way for them to communicate with you when in the womb, and you can't wait to interact with them. It's usually in the second and third trimesters when most moms-to-be are able to feel their babies wriggling around in there. But in case a baby isn't moving, there are ways to get them to move. And lucky for you, we have covered them in this article. Go ahead and read to find out when you're likely to feel your baby moving in your womb. Also, learn some tricks that should help to get your baby to move in case they don't!

When Will You Feel Your Baby's First Movement?

If you are thinking of ways to make your baby move in your womb, first you should find out when would be the right time for the same. Some movements might begin as early as in the middle of the second trimester. However, there have been instances where the mother could not feel her baby's movements up until the third trimester.

Now let's tell you what you can do to make your little one move in the womb.

Tips to Make Your Baby Move in the Uterus

Whether you want to make your baby kick in the womb or encourage him to move inside your uterus, there are a bunch of simple and common tips that women have used to make it happen. Indulging in them appropriately can help you yield good results. Try the following tips, after consulting with your doctor, to make your baby move in the uterus.

1. Take a Nice Warm Bath

This technique has known to work for a lot of women. By filling up your tub with lukewarm water and soaking yourself in it, there is a good chance that you may feel or even see your baby move around inside you. The relaxed state in itself allows the mother to feel the baby better and be connected to them. And keeping the water slightly warm will even help the baby to be safe.

2. Massage Your Belly

Massage your belly gently. You might have noticed your baby reacting when you rub your belly or touch your tummy. Massaging on the belly will make use of that to nudge the baby into moving around. Some may move closer to the touch while others may move away from it. You could even feel their punch and kick the stomach pretty evidently.

Massage Your Belly

3. Eat Spicy Food

Consuming spicy food will find its way into the amniotic fluid, which is consumed by the baby, making them move actively within you. Note: This is a tip that you should consider after consulting an obstetrician because not every woman has a body that can handle spicy food in a good way. Sometimes a baby may also react adversely to the spicy food when it reaches them. You can eat spicy food once or twice, but do not make it a habit.

4. Talk to Your Little One

Babies are able to hear what's happening inside the mother's body and a lot of external sounds by the time they complete two trimesters of pregnancy or so. This is also where babies develop an affinity for the mother's voice and form a close bond with her. Talking to the baby constantly will help strengthen the bond and even have them react to you. Let your partner engage in conversations with the child as well, at different times of the day.

5. Lie Down on Your Back

This is one of those tips that gets a lot of sceptical eyes. Nearly every tip to make the baby move makes use of a stimulus or a chance that will cause the baby to respond to it. So lying down may not seem to be the most potent one. But if you have an active lifestyle daily, your baby would get used to those rhythmic movements and find itself sleeping soundly during those. Which is why finding things to not be moving anymore could cause the baby to wake up as a result of it and start moving around. You can try lying down on your back to get your baby to move around after checking with your gynaecologist. Note: Avoid lying on your back for longer duration as it could cause supine hypotension.

Lie Down on Your Back

6. Poke But Gently

Just the way shaking your tummy encourages the baby to move, poking the tummy or the place of their presence can give them a stimulus as well and encourage them to move. This won't hurt the baby, and in fact, they may even respond with a kick. It will help in creating a good bond, but it can even turn into a private game. Again, check with your gynaecologist before you try this tip! In case, she gives a go-ahead, make sure you poke with great caution and don't overdo it.

7. Use an Ice Pack

We all are aware of how sensitive babies are to external temperature. Hot temperatures are not safe for the child, but cold temperatures can help provide a different stimulus. Just placing an ice pack on an area of your tummy can make the baby aware of the coolness, without harming them. Make sure you use a cloth to wrap the icepack.

8. Play Some Music and Sing Along

Listening to music or your voice allows the baby's brain to interpret it and that strengthens the bond between the two of you. There have been cases where babies have been extremely excited to listen to specific music, which has found a response even after birth. Try this out for your little one as well.

Play Some Music and Sing Along

9. Shine a Light on Your Tummy

Just the way your little baby responds to a massage and icepack, they will also do it when you shine a light on your tummy. Placing a flashlight on your stomach can allow some light to trickle in, which can be spotted by the baby. They will either move towards it or roll around to avoid seeing it.

10. Eat a Banana

If you've found it strange why doctors recommend eating a banana before an ultrasound, there is a link between banana consumption and the baby's movement. It is hard to determine which constituent of banana causes the baby to get excited, but many have observed that babies get active as a result of eating bananas.

11. Drink Coffee

Don't get excited after reading this because you still shouldn't consume caffeine the way you did before getting pregnant. Caffeine is not recommended during pregnancy, but if you're keen to get your baby moving and if nothing else works, you can consume caffeine to get the baby to move, but don't make it a habit. Although the consumption of warm coffee can make the baby move, it should not be consumed more than the recommended amount. Caffeine consumption during pregnancy should be limited to 200 mg daily, better yet, it's best to avoid drinking coffee daily. Doctors advise against drinking caffeine daily in pregnancy.

How Often Should the Foetus Move?

Each baby grows up and moves at its own pace. Most mothers experience kicks and punches towards the end of the second trimester. A few others have begun to find their baby to be moving only after entering the third trimester. Keeping a track of those movements is quite essential at this stage and your doctor can let you know more about it. A baby kicking less than other babies is not a cause for worry. However, any major deviations from the norm or a sudden silence out of the blue should be brought to the doctor's notice immediately.

What If the Baby Is Not Moving Much in Your Belly?

If your baby is not moving much in your belly, there could be various reasons for the same. They are explained below.

  • The final phases of pregnancy can make the space constricted, which may keep the movement of the baby restricted. But don't worry, you should be able to feel light movements now and then. In case you don't, do check with a doctor at the earliest.
  • If multiple tips fail to encourage the baby's movement, this could be a sign of a complication or the baby being in distress. You must consult a doctor in such a case.

Mothers want to know more about making the baby move in the womb at 38 weeks since that calms them down as well. Trusting your doctor and keeping a track of your baby's growth can help you understand it all better.

Also Read:What is Meant by Quickening in Pregnancy?

How To Get Baby To Kick


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